Donny Brook Full Interview

I had the absolute pleasure of speaking to the lead singer, Henry Gwilliam, and drummer, Josh Golledge of the Winchester, United Kingdom based band Donny Brook.  The band is composed of four best friends- Henry and Josh along with guitarist Sam Thompson, and bassist Paddy Keith, whose energy and passion for music radiates through the screen (Zoom of course, although I will say this was one of the only times I have ever been excited to join a Zoom call).


One of my favorite questions to ask bands is the meaning and story behind the band name, so I was eager to find out the story behind Donny Brook.  Donny Brook means a heated argument or debate.  It is a rather unknown word, which allows the guys to define it themselves.  “We wanted Donny Brook to mean energy, excitement, togetherness,” explained Josh. 


Donny Brook formed in 2016, but there is much more history behind their formation.  Henry and Sam have known each other since they were young.  Josh and Sam showed up to an event called Rock Academy, Josh played the drums and Sam played the guitar.  “I knew him, but I didn’t know he played guitar, and we were like ‘ah no way’ and basically, we started the band then,” explained Josh.  It first started out with just Sam and Josh playing covers, and they had people in and out, but none worked out until Henry and Paddy came along in 2016.  They started out playing cover gigs, and their biggest event was ‘Battle of the Bands’, their annual school event.


Having started out as a cover band, I was curious as to who were their inspirations and favorite bands.  What came from this question was an endearing recount of their early days as a band.  There is a park by Josh’s house where they would sit and talk about the band.  “And on the way there I remember having a conversation and I can take it to the exact spot where I looked to my guitarist and we both agreed we wanted our band to sound like an exact combination of Dire Straits, The Eagles, and the Red Hot Chili Peppers,” recited Henry.  Their music inspirations have since changed, each bandmate with different influences.  It was heartwarming to hear how they had a spot where they would talk about the band, and as Henry was retelling the story the excitement and somewhat nostalgia was undeniable.  It only added to the authenticity of the guys and I hope when they make it big one day, they will always remember where they came from-especially this spot. 


Naturally, I had to ask their inspirations now.  As a band, Red Hot Chili Peppers are their number one.  In addition, they all love Artic Monkeys and Foo Fighters.  Josh and Paddy listen to a lot of experimental jazz and funk.  Josh also listens to a lot of old music, such as Led Zeppelin.  Sam listens to a lot of Catfish and the Bottlemen.  Henry is influenced by Bob Dylan and lyricists. Additionally, they look up to a local artist, Frank Turner, as someone from the same roots as them who was successful.   Listening to their music, it is obvious their influences and how they have created their own sound by incorporating what they love and their own twist to the legends who inspire them. 


Donny Brook has released three songs entitled ‘She Knows’, ‘Waiting on a Friend’, and ‘Try’, which are all absolutely amazing.  I was looking forward to uncovering if they write their own songs.  “Yeah of course.  It is all completely us,” stated Josh.  Generally, most songs will be written by all of them collaboratively.  Sam is notorious for keeping songs he has written quiet and will come into band practice with a completely finished song he had been working on for the past two months.  Henry on the other hand often comes into band practice with a half - finished song.  He further explained how he was in a pub with Josh and a song came to him.  He preceded to take Josh’s phone and record two lines.  “When it comes to you it comes to you,” explained Josh. “You just got to get it down,” added Henry.


Their creative process seems to be very dynamic and sporadic, as I am sure you can imagine a group of guys sitting in a room, instruments in hand, spitting out ideas.  They explained how they are all really creative and it is very much ideas flying everywhere and everyone is going crazy.  Someone will come up with a seed, and they will build off of that, playing around for half an hour. “But with music it is quite emotional, so when you’re on your own you can come up with stuff you can’t do in the excitement of the band there,” described Josh.


I love to analyze song lyrics and come up with my own theories and perspectives on what the song is about.  Since I have become a big fan of Donny Brook, it was interesting to hear from the songwriters themselves, where they draw inspiration from to write a hit song.  They draw inspiration from growing up and being scared of what will come of growing up.  This is especially prominent in their song ‘Try’.  “That song is about growing up and being at a point where you can sit around waiting for something good to happen and you get old.  It’s almost like living in the moment and it’s impossible to try and explain what you can’t (which I realized Henry actually quoted the song itself) – you can only win so much and take each moment as it comes,” explained Henry


It is interesting to learn how a band would define their sound, so I couldn’t wait to hear their response.  “I would say alternative indie rock,” stated Henry.  Their manager is now their producer which has allowed them the opportunity to experiment with different types of music and add what they like.  For Josh this is adding more funky music, and Paddy’s jazz guitar sounds. 


There is something special about listening to someone express their dreams, and I could feel the energy as Henry explained what he hopes to achieve.  They are dreamers, but I don’t think they are too far off.  If anyone can make it big, Donny Brook definitely can.  Their ambition, drive, and passion is inspiring, and I think a clear example of this is shown through the following.  Henry opened up about his dream (and also their five to ten year goal) of playing the second headlining slot at Reading Festival and he had it down to the most minute detail.  He imagines this every time he listens to a new mix of their song, “the second headlining slot at Reading Festival and just as the sun is going down and it’s so dusty because the ground is so dry and it’s so foggy but it’s so hot on stage and the sun is orange and I’m like this is insane and playing our song. That’s my dream,” expressed Henry.


In very exciting news Donny Brook has released their debut EP on November 27th, 2020, entitled “Don’t Know, No One Does”.  They worked on the songs for a really long time and had a lot of time to record them.  “We have developed the sound into something we really love,” stated Henry.  “It’s got a bit more different songs and other ones we’ve already released just to bring them all together,” added Josh.  Donny Brook is back in the studio recording and are working to release new songs in the near future.  Be sure to keep an eye out for their new releases. 


Donny Brook is an incredible band and aside from their music they are some of the most genuine and sincere people I have had the pleasure of talking to.  Their love and passion of music is inspiring.  I cannot say enough good things about this band and the guys who make it come to life.  I think it is important that listeners and fans gain insight to what their favorite musicians are like, as it adds a deeper connection and understanding to their music. 


I’ll end with part of the best advice Henry and Josh were given, although they were talking about it in terms of music, I think it is equally as important in life, which is to “live confidently”.


Be sure to follow them on social media at @officialdonnybrook and find their music anywhere you stream @Donny Brook.